Torah Scroll in memory of Julian Young

Torah Scroll in memory of Julian Young



  • About

Fundraiser in the memory of Julian Young who was devoted to his Jewish faith. He was an internationally known lawyer with attitude, supporter of human rights and passionate Arsenal fan. The campaign is to raise funds for a permanent Torah Scroll* to be kept in the only Synagogue of Islington, Arsenal's home. The Torah Scroll, which is the most sacred item in a synagogue, will be inscribed in Julian's memory.

Julian's relationship with the Chabad rabbi of the Islington Synagogue, Rabbi Mendy Korer, began on Upper St during Arsenal's FA cup win celebrations in 2015 and continued for many years until his passing. Rabbi Mendy officiated at shiva where he shared some of Julian's thoughts and compassion on human rights.

Any level of contribution would be greatly appreciated.

Suggested amounts:

1 Line of the Torah: £4

1 Column of the Torah: £200

1 Portion of the Torah: £750

1 Book of the Torah: £8,000

Entire Torah: £40,000

*A Torah Scroll is the most sacred item in a synagogue and consists of the first 5 books of the Jewish Bible. It takes approximately 10 months for a scribe to write all 304,805 letters of the scroll by hand. The funds will pay for the labour and materials costs of the scroll.